Book a Reading

If you would like to book a reading, please fill out the form below.

  • Number your questions if you’re asking more than one;
  • If you’re sending for an energy check or a reading that involves another person/people, please include their name(s) and your current status (i.e. married, separated, situationship, dating, etc.);
  • If you’re sending for a guidance reading, please include the topic (i.e. love, career, finances, etc.) otherwise it will be treated as general spiritual guidance (what your guides need you to know at the moment of the reading);
  • If you are paying with Cashapp only type the words ‘website booking’ in the ‘for’ section.
Book a Reading (Simplified)

All answers are based on energy at the time of the reading. Energy is ever-changing, so be aware that some of your answers may change based on the free will/choices you or others make. Readings are not a replacement for professional medical or legal advice. Readings once paid are non-refundable.

Double-Check Email Address
Choose Reading Type (You can select multiple):
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