Please note that if you have a Coven Membership, you’ll receive an 11% discount (Outer Circle) or 22% discount (Inner Circle) off the prices below.
- Straight Y/N: $2.22 per question
- Timeframe: $3.33 per when/how long question
- Current or future energy connection/scale (written summary): $11.11 per couple
- Energy Connection Package (Video): $33.33 per couple
- Insight: $5.55 per question
- Guidance Reading (Email): $22.22 per topic
- Guidance Reading (Video): $44.44 per topic
- Relationship Guidance (Video): $44.44 per couple
- Expedited Email Service: $22.22 (3 hr same-day window)
1:1 Consultations
- 15 Minute Dowsing Session: $33.33
- 20 Minute Spiritual Therapy Session: $44.44
- 60 Minute Spiritual Therapy Session: $88.88
- 20 Minute Same-Day Spiritual Therapy Session: $177.77
Candle Work
- Prayer Candle: donation based
- Tiny But Mighty Candles: $5.55
- Small Candles: $8.88
- Three Day Candles: $33.33
- Seven Day Candles: $77.77
- Custom Candles: $111.11 (consultation required)
Some of the available base candle intentions include:
Please note that, outside of the Romance candle, any working that involves the will of another person/people requires a consultation first.
- Alignment: cleanse and heal your energy in order to bring you back into alignment with your highest good.
- Blockbuster: remove obstacles and negative energy between you and your desired intention.
- Blowback: gather up all the negative energy sent your way and then send it right back so the sender can reap what they’ve sown.
- Be Gone: remove third-party energy between you and someone else. (consultation required.)
- Clarity: designed to bring clarity of purpose or to a specific situation.
- Financially Flush: this will help you put some extra money in your wallet or bring some success to your business.
- Lucky in Love: draw a fresh new romance into your life.
- Protection: guard your energy from anything that may seek to do it harm or bring you out of alignment with your highest good.
- Reunion: pull an ex-lover back into your life. (consultation required.)
- Romance: if you’re already in a relationship and feel it could use some more desire, passion, communication, or romance.
- Self-Love: allow your inner light to shine so you’re able to fully open up to and love yourself regardless of the external world.
- Spiritual Cleanse: cleanse your energy of any negativity that may have been sent your way and returning it to source (rather than sender).
- Trailblazer: open up all your doors, windows, and roads in order to allow blessings of money, love, success, and happiness.